Tuesday, 15 March 2011

....the joys of cycling

With fuel prices increasing tremendously, more and more people are looking for alternative mode of transportation. Some have discovered more novel means to explore their travel destination on a budget. Walking or hiking traditionally has been the norm. But walking more than 5 miles might not get you as far as you want in the most economical time frame possible. And walking is only one way to replace motorized transportation. There's another called cycling.

For those of you who've mastered the arcane art of walking, bicycles offer another challenge. And for most people walking is too limited. It's not fast enough, or it doesn't get them across the vast distances they need to travel. Almost always it's nearly half a mile to the nearest point of interest, and that's obviously too far to walk.  There must be a better way. Cycling!

For distances too far to walk, yet short enough to avoid driving, consider riding a bicycle. Seriously consider riding a bicycle during your travels, and allows your body to keep pace with your mind. Cardiovascular benefits aside, it is a great platform for experiencing adventure and it definitely allows for more flexibility.

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